Welcome to the State of Aderant

Leveraging Innovation to Conquer Complexities for Law Firms

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal technology, learn how Aderant is helping shape the future of law firms.

By Chris Cartrett

In the legal world, navigating the complexities of client relationships can be a formidable task because there are so many moving parts. Maintaining compliance with rules and guidelines can be a challenge, and it’s important that law firms have more innovative solutions designed to solve problems they are facing. At Aderant, we have developed an intense focus on bolstering our ability to transform these complexities into enhanced, quality experiences that help law firms meet the everyday needs of their clients.

Our core business has always been about strengthening the law firm back office, and by making long-term investments driven by the needs of lawyers and legal staff, we are effectively helping law firms around the world serve their clients more effectively.


We want to be the innovation leader for our law firms, and the people that lead Aderant are key to driving this vision.

– Chris Cartrett, CEO at Aderant

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